Aeroespacio Magazine Ene-Feb 2001, Miscelánea Section
"Running Again!"
"In 1987 Fuerza Aerea Argentina donates to the "Otto Krause" School Engines'
Laboratory two turbojets Turbomeca Marboré IIc, but the lack of the users'
manuals, made the starting of at least one of them unthinkable. In 1999, by means of
contacts with the Area Material Quilmes, these manuals were obtained and
the necessary advising to initiate the works too.
So, a workgroup was formed with the 6th. year Mechanics students: Jorge Radesca, Roberto Laterra and Alejandro
Flagel, under the direction of the Technology II M.E.P., Gustavo D. Vranjes;
and the Chief of the Engine's Laboratory, Ernesto C. Alvarez. The Chief of the
Mechanics Superior Cycle workshops, Alfredo Seguí, facilitated the materials
available in the establishment.
The group decided to work out of their habitual working hours and to finance
themselves the expenses that this adventure demanded.
They knew that they needed diverse elements as JP-1, turbines' oil, auxiliary
systems for ignition and control, exhaust jet tube, and a frame where to hold
the turbojet, among them. But with knowledge, work and creativity, they were
solving one by one those problems.
And so was that in November 17th of 1999 at 7:20 PM the proud group of
Mechanical Technicians, managed to crystalize his efforts and started the
Marboré IIc."