Aeroespacio Magazine May-Jun 1983, Readers' Mail Section
"A group of students and professors of the E.N.E.T. N °1 "Otto Krause
", headed by the brand new technicians Gabriel Donvito, Gustavo Olivato,
Guillermo Puma and Gustavo Vranjes, managed to put into operation a
veteran turbojet Rolls Royce Derwent V that this studies' establishment used
with didactic aims. For such a task it was necessary to draw for the numerous
disadvantages that are to be expected of an engine that did not work from almost one
decade ago, as it is the manufacture of diverse pieces and systems,
which puts in evidence the effort made. After 219 working hours and
several failed attempts, the power plant of FAA's Gloster Meteor began to
rotate by its own means, reaching initially 3 000 RPMs and then 6 000 RPMs.
Two days later and after a brief inspection and small adjustments, the needle of
the tachometer indicated 11 000 RPMs. In this opportunity, with instruments
adapted by the School's technicians, the RPMs regime was measured, the
exhaust gases's temperature and the oil pressure, and next will be measured the
thrust, the exhaust gases' speed, the admission and oil temperature, and the
air flow. Our congratulations and auguries to this laborious team of Argentine