Article in Clarín newspaper, October 16th 2003, supplement "neighborhoods" (Montserrat)

"The boys will make work centennial machines"

Without any doubt, a ritual. Every year, at November's beginning, the sixth year's students of Otto Krause School, at Paseo Colón 650 address and founded in 1899; clean, prepare and -during an unforgettable dawn- they put to work two amazing and almost centennial machines. One is a gigantic boiler and the other a magnificent eÌectricity generator (of about three meters height by five of length), made in Germany in 1913. "It is a way to apply the things that we learned throughout the year"; says Santiago Kelly (18), one of the boys who are in charge of the procedure. "To us this is super interesting because although the boiler by example, is very old, the principles on which it works can be applied to any type of steam machine", explains Pablo Leiva (19).
The scene -between steam and iron gears, seems escaped from history books- is invariably emotion loaded. Every year, with the boys of sixth and fifth year, the school receives special spectators. "Who fulfill 25 or 50 years of graduation assemble that day here. They come to meet old friends and to see, again, the moment at which these mechanisms return to life. So near the noon there are tears and hugs", Principal Pedro Bini smiles. "In addition, this is a pride for us since there are left only three generators of this type in the world. And ours -that in old times supplied with electricity to all the district is the only one that still works".
These activities will integrate the celebrations of Technical Education's Week, when -from November 10th the unification of the old "Industrial" schools under that denomination in all the country is commemorated. An educative network where the Otto Krause always occupied a honour place, with famous professors and inventions donated to the country by great world-wide figures (See "A museum ..."). The celebrations will not conclude here. "Also we are going to start in the School's Yard an airplane's turbine -adds Facundo Mazzieri (18)-. That day we check the tachometers, speed, the gas escape. And since it makes an incredible noise, the whole personnel is gathered and the professors give us an open class for all; an unforgettable experience".
In addition, during all the week, between 8:00AM and 6:00PM, the School will open its doors so that relatives, friends and neighbors of the city can visit this historical building. There they will be able to appreciate works made by boys of the different specialties from the Otto Krause (Mechanics, Constructions, Electricity, Electronics, Chemistry and Computation). Among other things there will be stands with solar energy furnaces, aeolian generators prototypes and traveling cranes.

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