As we mentioned in
Mission 03, , in May of 2003 we were visited by Francisco Erjavec and Hernán
Otero, 4th year students of the E.T. N8 Jorge Newbery that wished to start a
turboshaft Astazou II with aims similar to ours.
After a long speaking on the subject we continued in contact via email and
those that follow are some of the photos that they send to us according to how
the works evolved:
The Astazou II as was seen before beginning the works. Like us, at the beginning
without the jet exhaust tube, instruments and the starting manual either. Out of
curiosity: what it is seen down, to the left; it is a "small piece" of a Rolls
Royce Derwent V...
Gustavo Donantuoni and Claudio Sedani join to the group. The documentation's
"hunting" had begun short ago and here there is already a small metallic base in
an enough advanced construction state. Meanwhile working is done on a car
fuel tank, that soon would be replaced by another one custom - built (See more
More work on the metallic base. It would be of three wheels and quite similar to
ours, with exception that from the beginning it was designed with an incorporated
fuel tank, it is built with profiles instead of tubes (our recommendation...
we learned it the hard way!) and with a lance to handle it during the transit.
And here the finished product on its wheels with lance included. We were on the
end of May, or first days of June...
Painting works on the structure in charge of G. Donantuoni...
After a couple of small mishaps, at August 8th of 2003 we were invited to the
Astazou II's first start test and at 07:15PM it started for the first time. It runs
15 seg., then it was stopped, everything was reviewed and a second start test of 35 seg.
is made again.
At this state of things the control board was almost as primitive as ours (and
like ours, done with discarded elements). See the elevated fuel tank done at
"Jeff Corr" style.
Tank custom - made to be placed on the base of the metallic base. The feeding of
the turboshaft is done with the help of a booster pump.
Turboshaft mounted over its new support. Back can be seen the new JP1 tank
finished and painted.
And here a view of the new command board with all the necessary elements for a
precise control of the turboshaft. 100/100 points in quality of construction and
done in record time!
Astazou II ready to make its debut in the Expo - Newbery at which we were
also present.
Relays' box assembly view and starting auxiliary circuits...
Another view in greater detail. Evidently the Marboré IIc is a much more simpler
machine at the starting time... We do not have the sequencer box that belongs to
our machine and nevertheless we could replace it. But we think that there is
no simple replacement for the Astazou II one.
Entrance in scene of the new control board. With the Marboré IIc we have been
suffering the lack of analogical or digital instruments for the
reading of data and we improvised as well as we could. But the greater number of
parameters to control in an Astazou II does not leave another alternative. It is
absolutely necessary to rely on suitable instruments!.
Very well thought and better built board with a minimum volume: it has reading of
exhaust gases temperature, oil temperature, oil pressure and RPMs.; tank fuel
level, voltage of the auxiliary ground starting group. General, starting, sweeping
and booster pump switches. Luminous signals of ignition sequence. Cable commanded
accelerator like ours.
November 17th and starting of the Astazou II during the Expo - Newbery.
This is the exhaust gases temperature reading. Much more cooler than in the
Marboré IIc...
25.8: No. Neither it is August 25th nor the ambient temperature. It is the
RPMs. number / 1000 at which the turbine is running. And we personally saw it
running at 34 000 RPMs. as if nothing were happenning...
As Jeff Corr would say: Wow!