ERNESTO C. ALVAREZ: Mechanical Engineer, Chief of Machines and Motors Laboratory, Teaching Assistant at U.T.N.
JOSE M. DI IORIO: Mechanical Technician, Teaching Assistant at Machines and Motors Laboratory. Teaching Assistant at U.B.A., Faculty of Engineering.
GUSTAVO D. VRANJES: Mechanical Technician, Teacher at Otto Krause School.
Note I: The pictures of years '95, '96 y '97, were taken by Mrs. Cristina Rubio.
Note II: With the exception of the material published in years ' 96
and ' 97, the development and maintenance of the page is completely made by us
over GNU/Linux operating system and Open Source tools.
Note III: With the exception of '97 Electrical's Power Station video,
the rest of the videos were made by our friends, with all the rights and obligations
that current Law grants. The final digitization of such videos was made completely by us
over GNU/Linux operating system and Open Source tools.