Thus we did in 1997...

The same as the previous year, on 11-26-97 a preliminary test of the installation was made with complete success led by Laboratory's personnel and executed by students of the 6th year Mechanics Speciality. This time there were not values taken due to a fuel shortage that obligated a test run of less duration than anticipated.

  • Closed doors test of Electrical Power Station - 13 min 06seg

  • 11-28-97 spreadsheet

  • Workgroup before begin tasks...
    It's time to begin...

    On 11-28-97 we repeated the test but with a four hour duration since 3:00 PM, with a simple load condition, due to a water leak that prevented us from demanding more of the installations, and with the attendance of several invited schools.
    Of course, we had the aid of the same group of technicians of the previous test.

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    Filming the burners...

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