Thus we did in 1999...
On 11-09-99 we carried out another start-up of the electric power station, but this time taking the necessary data to determine performances that were omitted at the beginning of the year, since in that opportunity it was only an informal test, and not a rigurous one. This time the burners were about to give us a bad moment, since until 17 hs. they did not worked correctly. Fortunately, a solution to the problem was found and from that time all worked right as it should.

  • Open doors test of Electrical Power Station - 10 min 55seg

  • 11-09-99 spreadsheet

  • 7:30 AM and all quiet...
    3:00 PM, test were begun; technicians doing his work...
    Flash!: someboby has taken a shot of the Laboratory's boss!...
    Here, the "protagonists" of the day...
    For Alejandro Flagel, all O.K.!

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